''We the people stand with you with our physical and in all spirits''

The 100 Achievements of IK

Each of us must remember the thrilling evening of August 2018. History was going to be made. Hearts were racing, and the nation of Pakistan, especially its youth, was on the seventh sky. And why not? After all, Pakistan was on the verge of entering into a radically new phase. The seventy years long status quo was on the brink of breaking.
And then..

We received the news regarding the victory of Tehreek-e-Insaf and its most famous leader, Imran Khan, in the general elections of 2018. With this victory, people were delighted. They had been dreaming of a sincere leader for Pakistan, and in the form of Imran Khan, their lifelong dream came true.

1 Construction Amnesty Scheme 1
The government of Pakistan has announced a construction amnesty scheme for the construction industry of Pakistan. The scheme was launched in 2019. In this scheme, anyone can invest their untaxed money in construction projects all over Pakistan. This scheme went very successful as it not only increased the circulation of money but also increased the employment ratio.
2 First time Pakistan made smartphone exported 2
Pakistan has exported about 5500 4G smartphones to UAE recently which were completely made in Pakistan . Imran khan’s business supportive policies have made this milestone possible in only just three years after becoming PM. Imran Khan is trying to adopt the ‘Made in Pakistan’ strategy to boost the country’s economy.
3 Progress on CPEC Projects 3
Despite all the negative propaganda of opposition against Imran Khan regarding CPEC projects, the CPEC is going on smoothly. Although the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic somehow slowed down the progress, again it has come back on track. Several new major projects, which are part of CPEC have been initiated and completed in the government of Imran Khan, as said by Federal Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Minister Asad Umar.
4 New Dams construction 4
The experts have already warned that there wouldn’t be water in Pakistan by 2023 if the new dams are not built. Imran Khan’s government is no doubt, praiseworthy for starting building 10 new dams in his government, the need of the hour projects of Pakistan, which are likely to be completed by 2028. Among these dams, Diamer Bhasha and Mohmand Dams are mega projects. Their construction is smoothly going on the sites and the project will be completed by 2025 hopefully.
5 New Legislation for the protection of women 5
Imran Khan’s government has started serious work on women and children protection. The laws of Anti Rape Ordinance (2020), Criminal law (Amendment) 2020, Legal Aid And justice Authority Act (2020), Domestic violence bill (2019), Zainab alert response and recovery act (2020), Women Property Right Act 2020, etc were passed in the parliament for prevention of ever-increasing women-related crimes in the country.
6 New legislation against money laundering 6
Pakistan is on the watch list of FATF and can be blacklisted anytime. This means unimaginable damage and lots of sanctions on the country. That’s why Imran Khan worked on this ground actively and managed to pass three FATF-related Anti Money Laundering Bills in the year 2020, to harden the money laundering from Pakistan, to protect Pakistan from being blacklisted. Thanks to the effort which were needed timely mannered.
7 Current account deficit 7
In the year 2018, when the new government came into power, the current account deficit was $20 billion. Now due to the right strategies opted by the government, it has come down to almost $1.8 billion, which is a huge difference indeed.
8 Foreign reserves 8
When PTI came into power, the foreign reserves were $16.4 billion. Now when it has been almost three years since Imran Khan is leading government, the foreign reserves have reached almost $ 27 billion, the highest in the history of Pakistan. This clearly shows that we are on the right track on the road to development.
9 Foreign Remittance 9
If we talk about the foreign remittance, they were $19.9 billion back in 2018 when Imran Khan became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He put into practice, the effective economic strategies to increase it up to $29.4 billion , definitely much better than in the former governments. He is trying his best to make Pakistan stand on its feet rather than to depend upon other countries.
10 Karachi nuclear power plant 2 10
It is indeed great news that Karachi nuclear power plant 2 has started working in the year 2021 and phase 3 is likely to be completed by 2022. Both phases two and three have a power generation capacity of 1100 MW and have been built with the help of Chinese investment.
11 One nation-one curriculum 11
We have been hearing about the importance of a single curriculum but nobody took a serious step for its implementation, except Imran Khan, who turned it into reality. This will surely bring a positive change as a single curriculum will remove the class difference among the education system. Otherwise, there were different curriculums for students of different social classes, which made them somehow inferior in front of a certain class group. The National single curriculum has been applied in the whole of Pakistan except Sindh. It will be completely implemented in Pakistan from 2023 onwards.
12 Kamyab Jawan Program 12
Imran khan’s main supporter in elections was youth and to facilitate this enthusiastic youth of Pakistan, Imran Khan has initiated Kamyab Jawan Program. This aims to provide technical and financial support for the startups of Pakistan. This will promote entrepreneurship among youth as well as solve employment issues to great extent.
13 Reforms in Bureaucracy 13
Imran Khan has approved Civil Servants (E&D) Rules-2020 to ensure the fair account of the civil service. This is the part of government policy of institutional reforms to improve the performance of bureaucracy and state institutions. For the first time, under this law, the inquiries must be done within 90 days, along with the plea bargain and voluntary return flexibility.
14 Electric vehicle policy 14
Recently, Imran Khan has paved a way for the revolution in the vehicle industry of Pakistan by his Electric Vehicle Policy 2020-2025. Though the initial costs of electric vehicles are quite higher, they will become comparable with Fossil fuels vehicles by 2025. Moreover, the government is providing full support for the public and private sector to turn this policy into a great success, providing up to zero percent income and sales tax on all the equipment imported for this purpose..
15 Best ties with armed forces in history 15
The relationship between the civil government and the military always gone up and down throughout the history of Pakistan. The nonserious behavior of the civil government and their indifference towards national interests, always created problems for the smooth democratic process in Pakistan. The situation is completely different in the case of the government of Imran Khan. It would not be wrong to say that civil-military relations are on the best terms as compared to the previous governments of PML-N and PPP. The wise strategy of Imran Khan is behind these friendly ties.
16 Ahsas Emergency Relief Fund 16
For the first time in the history of Pakistan, we got to see a completely different face of government when it distributed money for the low-income group people, during the hard days of the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, Pakistan looked like some foreign welfare state, which looks after its citizens like a mother. Almost Rs 180 billion was distributed among citizens as a relief during the pandemic under the Ahsas Program. The amount was given after proper investigation so that it can reach the needy citizen, rather than influential ones.
17 Production of medical equipment 17
The government of Pakistan under the leadership of Imran Khan, set to save around $1.4 billion which is being used in importing medical equipment. During the pandemic, Pakistan has started manufacturing even ventilators, which has now reached about 1150 ventilators/month. Moreover, medical zones are being set up to manufacture syringes, needles, cannulas, cartridges, wires, cables, cardiac stents, x-ray, and dialysis machines in Pakistan.
18 New hydropower projects 18
Two new hydropower projects have been initiated in the government of Imran Khan, Azad Pathan, and Kohala hydropower projects. Azad Pattan Hydropower Project started on the Jhelum River, has a capacity of 700.7-MW. The Chinese company has invested 1.54 billion U.S. dollars for this project and the construction period of the project is around 69 months. This hydropower project will generate about 3.265 billion units of energy/ year along with a relief for the water shortage problem
19 High-speed Broadband services for backward areas 19
To make the dream of Digital Pakistan true, the government of Pakistan has approved a contract worth Rs8.81 million to make sure the high-speed internet facility to the backward areas of Sindh, Balochistan, KPK, and Punjab. Moreover, contracts were made with local mobile internet companies too, under the Next Generation Broadband for Sustainable Development policy, worth Rs 4.7 billion to serve about 0.98 million people.
20 Roshan Digital Account initiative 20
Overseas Pakistanis are important assets for Pakistan, despite being out of the country. To facilitate them, Imran Khan initiated the Roshan Digital Account for them in the year 2020. This helps overseas Pakistanis to open and manage their accounts in Pakistani banks effectively. Roshan digital account services have increased the RDA deposits by over $200 billion by August 2021.

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